Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Tonight while I was sitting outside I starting thinking about intentions. What are intentions exactly? I was thinking of all the things I intended to do tonight when I got home. I intended to vacuum the bedroom, finishing cleaning the kitchen and make a pot of brown rice. Instead, I took some chili I had cooking in the crockpot and put it in a bowl, without the rice. I took the easy way out. I then decided to sit and watch TV the whole evening. I did not follow through with any of my intentions.

Why? What keeps me from following through? Is it that I had an 1 hour 45 minute drive home and got home at 6:45? Is it that I felt tired and thought I should just relax tonight? Did I feel that what I had intended to do was not really important? 

A quote I found that might sum this up: It is not good enough for things to be planned - they still have to be done; for the intention to become a reality, energy has to be launched into operation.
Walt Kelly 

So I guess this sums it up for me, I just didn't have the energy to do what I had intended to do. 

What I learned from this thought is that I shouldn't have any intentions if I don't have the energy!!!

Tomorrow, I will think long and hard before intended to do a thing....................

Have good evening, thanks for reading.................

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Some of My Past Projects

I want to post some of my past projects today. These are things I have worked on and taught myself how to do. Most of the ideas for these projects I got from the internet and from other peoples blogs. Hopefully someone will see something on here and it might inspire them.

This is my first attempt at rag quilting. I made this for my grand daughter last year. I found this actually pretty easy to do and this was my first quilt of any kind.

I was so thrilled when I finished this quilt, I couldn't believe I did it. I went on to make another one that was similar but the back of is was lavender and I gave it to my boyfriends grand daughter Addison who is four months younger than my grand daughter Caralynne. Carylynne was born in April of 2011 and Addison was born in August of 2011.

Before I made these quilts I tried my hand at applique and made a receiving blanket for each of them. I had no idea what I as doing but I think they turned out pretty well. Take a look.

The dark pink one is easier to see, but the light one has pink polka dots on it also. These were also for the grand babies, they are very lightweight and perfect for babies, the little applique was actually easy to do. I want to try doing more appliques in the future. I have so many ideas of things I want to do, I just need to find the time.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Ok, so I am trying to figure out all of this blog stuff. Right now mine is a work in progress. Once I have this all figured out I will be happy!!  I want to add pictures, I want to put the blogs I am following on my page so that others can follow them too. This is taking time, but I know if I am patient it will turn out great. So if you happen to view my blog, remember it is still under construction, LOL. But I am getting there, slowly.......

Monday, December 3, 2012

Echinops and Aster: What Can You Sew With A Charm Pack?

Echinops and Aster: What Can You Sew With A Charm Pack?: I've been pretty charm-happy around here lately. With hosting both of the Mystery Charm Swaps, plus participating in a couple of other trad...


I love that fact that people share so much on their blogs. I wanted to contribute and hopefully I can inspire someone like so many other people have inspired me. I have learned so much from others on their blogs, such as sewing, cooking and unique ideas about about organizing, cleaning, etc.