Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Tonight while I was sitting outside I starting thinking about intentions. What are intentions exactly? I was thinking of all the things I intended to do tonight when I got home. I intended to vacuum the bedroom, finishing cleaning the kitchen and make a pot of brown rice. Instead, I took some chili I had cooking in the crockpot and put it in a bowl, without the rice. I took the easy way out. I then decided to sit and watch TV the whole evening. I did not follow through with any of my intentions.

Why? What keeps me from following through? Is it that I had an 1 hour 45 minute drive home and got home at 6:45? Is it that I felt tired and thought I should just relax tonight? Did I feel that what I had intended to do was not really important? 

A quote I found that might sum this up: It is not good enough for things to be planned - they still have to be done; for the intention to become a reality, energy has to be launched into operation.
Walt Kelly 

So I guess this sums it up for me, I just didn't have the energy to do what I had intended to do. 

What I learned from this thought is that I shouldn't have any intentions if I don't have the energy!!!

Tomorrow, I will think long and hard before intended to do a thing....................

Have good evening, thanks for reading.................